Rushmere Gardens

Welcome to Rushmere Gardens. 

Along with our passion and love for our fur babies, we also have the love of Gardens. Many moons ago, most of our property was separated into paddocks as it was originally part of a large parcel of land of 48 odd acres with natural swamp land that was home to hundreds of bird species. Beautifully angulated providng a gorgeous vista.


At Rushmere, we have designed and landscaped our gardens to encourage the bird life to come and live on our property.  We are pleased to now have many species of bird life ranging from black ducks, wood ducks, pea hens, black bird, pardalote, spine bills, crimson rosellas to name a few.


One of the most joyful activities that we treasure is watching our Miniature Schnauzers play and run around.


Our planting of trees and flowering plants have been carefully thought of and selected so that no one time of the year is the same.  Ranging from the beautiful autumn coloured deciduous trees; to the blue bells in spring, rare plants from around the world and lilies at Christmas.

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